Thursday, 8 November 2018

Silent Retreats



10am – 4.00pm

Led by Sally Lander
Supported by Jeremy Lander

10am – Arrival, tea, coffee, introduction (we will all be ‘allowed’ to talk!)

10.15am – How to be most comfortable sitting; the meditative experience; meditation into silence (from then until 3.45 just Sally will talk)

10.30am-12.15pm – Yoga class - standing, sitting, moving, meditation and relaxation

12.15-1.15pm – Lunch - soup, salad and cheese; time to choose – sit, lie, walk in the park or garden and notice the silence

1.15-2.40pm – Yin / Restorative yoga class

2.40-3.00pm – Tea break - hot drinks & cake

3.00-4.00pm – Final meditation, relaxation and discussion

After 4.00 there will be the chance to stay a little and rest further in the silence, or join us in the kitchen for a chat and more refreshments.

It will be at our house; unless it’s unseasonably warm we’ll light the fire. All props are provided – I have a roomful of bolsters, belts, cushions, blankets, eye things and mats. I will be leading the practice through the day, and will be talking. Jeremy will cook and support.

It’s a small group – maximum 9 students (plus Jeremy).

£70 including refreshments and a complete lesson plan and resources list.

Cheques to Sally Lander, 3 Nightingale Avenue, Cambridge CB1 8SG. Bank transfer - S LANDER BUSINESS ACCOUNT 23122560 30-91-74
Fees are non-refundable unless your place can be filled.  

Sally Lander, 3 Nightingale Avenue, Cambridge CB1 8SG

This is some of the feedback following previous Silent Day Retreats.

I wasn't sure whether I would last the day in silence, never having experienced a retreat before.  However, you prepared us very well with what to expect and led us into the day in a gentle way.  You provided direction and security.  The sense of community amongst us I found relaxing and was at ease at lunchtime wandering about in your home and outside watching the birds and the sky in a fresh way.  As the demand for external chatter was removed and as the day progressed, I found my internal chatter dying down and I experienced a stillness I have rarely known.  Awesome. Over far too soon, it was very useful to stay afterwards and find my tongue again over a cup of tea with others and to 'acclimatise' back into normality.  The day was a wonderful learning experience for me.
Jenny Blake

On my walk around the park I found myself looking at the trees in a different, more focused way.  I also became mesmerised by the clouds moving across the sky while lying on my mat looking out of the window.  I didn't hear all the instructions you were giving.  I heard birdsong and remembered what it felt like to be a child.  
Monday has found me happy and at ease.  
Sam Linney

Just to say that it was really wonderful in every way.  I found it very revitalising and I thought it was a lovely group of people.  You had thought of everything!  I felt so pampered and looked after.  The lunch was wonderful and it was so nice to be in your house which felt cosy and calming.  Thank you for planning the whole day so thoroughly - I really appreciated it and I really hope you do it again.  I have been feeling very good all day today this afternoon). I felt very tired that evening, went to bed early, slept really well and felt very good all the next day (and even found time to meditate). 
Ellie Thomas

It was a fabulous, refreshing and rejuvenating day. I was surprised that I didn't feel particularly weepy or at all emotionally wobbly: in fact I felt very calm and on top of things all the way through. It wasn't until I got home and daily life started to creep back (not in a bad way : ) ) that I realised how deeply I'd sunk into the mindfulness of the day and how much I'd let go.
I'm sure a lot of the reason for this calmness was because you made sure to introduce the day so well, answering all the questions I'd thought of and anticipating lots of things I hadn't. I felt really well supported because of this. That was probably the most important aspect for me as it meant I really could let go of my insecurities and just be! I also loved that we had the choice of staying afterwards and chatting, or stealing away still enwrapt in the silence ...
It was fun and interesting to see how we negotiated the unstructured time, working round one another.
Emma Coonan

I’m glad I came along; it was nice not to have to make small talk with people and just be quiet and do the yoga and meditation without having to think about anyone else. 
Jayne Green

It was one of the best days of yoga I've experienced, ever! The only improvement in my view would be to extend the day. The food was delicious. I also SO appreciated your generous sharing of your home and all the comfy pillows and bolsters - a real treat. It’s great to have the entire lesson handed to us at the end. It will help me with my yoga teaching. The breaks are good and it's enjoyable just wandering or sitting and being silent. Not interacting takes all the pressure away. It's challenging to not socialise but important to me to feel free from unnecessary distraction. Your students are lovely too and reflect your loving kindness. Keep smiling.
Joan Henriques

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